VINCI group
VINCI is one of the largest private construction groups in the world. In 2010, the group’s turnover exceeded EUR 33 billion and the number of employees approached 190,000. The group conducts business in more than 90 countries throughout the world. A large majority of our turnover of course comes from traditional European markets.
The group’s offering is based on an integrated model comprising a range of concessions and contracting:
o Motorways
VINCI Autoroutes is one of the largest private operators of motorways in the world. The group operates about two thirds of the motorway network in France. VINCI participates in the construction and operation of a number of other motorway projects in Europe, including the R1 limited-access highway in Slovakia.
VINCI Concessions finances, designs and builds traffic and public infrastructures and operates them based on long-term leasing contracts (tunnels, airports, car parks, etc.). In the Czech Republic, this division is represented by VINCI Park CZ, a company which operates parking zones for a number of Prague municipalities, parking facilities at the Prague Ruzyňe Airport and open car parks in Prague and other cities in the Czech Republic. -
o Eurovia
EUROVIA is a leading global company in the field of civil engineering construction – the company builds, renovates and maintains road and motorway infrastructures, and builds urbane and industrial development projects. In the Czech Republic, individual companies and operations are managed by EUROVIA CS.o Construction
VINCI Construction is a leading firm conducting business in the construction industry. It also participates in a number of major of construction and specialised building projects. The company has a dominant position on the French market, and from the turnover point of view is the most important member of the entire VINCI Group. To its clients, the company offers the best know-how in the area of housing construction, water engineering construction, civil engineering and related services. In the Czech Republic, VINCI Construction activities are represented by VINCI Construction Grands Projects (VCGP), SMP CZ, Průmstav-FCC and Soletanche Česká republika.
VINCI Energies is the direct parent group of TPI. For more information about the group go here